Combat Fear with God's Word and Prayer
Introduction We live in a world where fear has become normal due to the current state of affairs. What if we could live a fearless life amidst all the trouble around us? It is possible. Today, we will talk about fear and how to combat it with God's Word. The Consequences of Fear There is an account of how the 12 Israelite spies went to scout the Promised Land. Ten of them brought back evil reports, saying, "The people were like giants in the land. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes" (Numbers 13:33). This report instilled fear in the Israelites, leading them to complain against God and wish they had stayed and died in Egypt or the wilderness. They doubted God, and as a result of their fear, they never stepped foot in the Promised Land. The only two people who left Egypt and entered the Promised Land were those who were not afraid and had their full trust in God: Caleb and Joshua. The story of Peter highlights the difference between fear and courage. In Matthew...