Planning: The Initiation of Success
There is a saying that "Failure to plan is planning to fail". This means, it is very necessary to plan our activities and goals, in order to achieve them fully.
Planning also enables us to spend our time wisely. Today I learnt that we cannot control time and to everyone, 24 hours has been apportioned daily but we can plan and make good use of it. Planning has helped me personally in many ways especially in the efficient use of my time and resources. In addition to planning, we are encouraged to pray for grace to achieve our goal.
As the title of this blog post states, success is not achieved with just a plan, it only initiated. Following the plan leads to success. Creating a SMART plan.
A good plan can be created with these measures.
1. S - Specific
2. M - Measurable
3. A - Achievable
4. R - Realistic
5. T - Time bound
All the best in planning your goals SMART-ly and achieving them.
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