Many of us have many aspirations but never put them into practice. But yesterday, I heard a message from God from a missionary called Dr. Yaw Perbi. He stated that in the bible, God told Abraham to go to a land where He would show him but Abraham stopped along the way in a town called Harran, before setting out to the promised land. (Acts 7:2-5). In the Bible, God had to scatter the people who were trying to build the tower of Babel by confusing their language,(Gen 11:5-8). This was because He had commanded them to multiply and fill the earth, not to settle in one place. 

These are a few reasons why we should not settle when God has told us to be fruitful.

1. We have to act in obedience to God, (Deuteronomy 28:2)

2. The Almighty God is our source of strength, (Isaiah 26:4)

3. The Lord has deposited a lot of potential in each human being and He expects us to use it to His glory, (James 1:17) Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 

4.. It is not only for our personal benefit when we blossom and flourish, but also for the benefit of others. (Luke 6:38).

Let us always pray for grace to accomplish everything the Lord has set for us on earth, without losing heart. Go out and flourish. 


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