
Showing posts from November, 2023

Who Am I Not To Shine

Being exactly who I am: Who am I not to shine? This is the third installment of my series Being Exactly Who I Am, where I talk about the need for us to shine. In the first two installments, I spoke about getting to know your identity and how to block negative comments or opinions of people from bringing you down.    We mostly overlook the fact that, God desires that we unleash the talents, gifts and abilities He has bestowed upon us but He does. We are told in Isaiah 60:1 and 2 that, ‭‭  ‭ [1] “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. [2] See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. NIV‬‬   The Lord has placed so much in us and expects us to use it to His glory.  It could be the ability to sing, act, paint, drive, play an instrument, teach, solve problems, excel in sports, communicate effectively, or even show empathy. When we showcase the talents and abilities

Negative Opinions Don't Define Me

Being Exactly Who I Am: Why Negative Opinions About Me Don't Define Me The Journey of Confidence Building If you are reading this, you have probably already read the first installment of my series, "Being Exactly Who I Am," titled "How I Overcame Low Self-Esteem." Picking up from the point where I was able to stand in front of a large group of people and share my thoughts about God, many opportunities started opening up for me to continue being in front of others. I started a music club where I taught about 50 individuals music theory and practical skills, cracked jokes, put my friends on the spot to answer questions, and simply shared my experiences with them. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life, and God used those times to build my confidence from zero to what it is today. Did I face any challenges during the confidence-building process? Yes, I did. While things were going well, there were moments that shook my confidence. I received genuine hatr

Boosting Self-Esteem: My Journey To Overcoming Low Confidence and Building Self Worth.

I didn't know my identity. This is the first installment of the trilogy 'Being Exactly Who I Am.,' where I discuss my personal experience with low self-esteem and how I overcame it.   I distinctly remember being very shy during my time in primary school, and in addition to that shyness, I felt a lack of identity. I used to mimic others, adopting their personalities and playing those roles proficiently for a week until I discovered a new "role model." I felt empty by myself and believed that everyone else was superior to me. This feeling persisted as I progressed through my academic journey. How I Was Rescued from That Line of Thinking   There came a point in my life when I felt inspired to share the word of God during a gathering of a few students. Despite my shyness, I mustered the courage to do it for the first time, merely quoting a verse: Psalm 4:4 (AMPC) - "Be angry [or stand in awe] and sin not; commune with your own hearts upon your beds and be s

Blood for blood?

Should he who sheds man's blood face his blood being shed by man? Another incident occurred yesterday. A master's student was returning from evening lectures and took a dark path, where he encountered robbers. They attempted to rob him, but he resisted. Unfortunately, the robbers pushed him into an oncoming vehicle, resulting in his death. Now, the question arises: should these individuals be killed when apprehended? The Bible states in the Old Testament that, Genesis 9:6, "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed." What about our current day? In the New Testament day and age. Did Jesus ever support mob Justice? No. Previously, I wrote about lynching, and I stated clearly that lynching is wrong.     There is a distinct difference between a thief who steals bread or a phone and a robber armed with a knife or machete, intending to steal, kill, and destroy. Both stealing and robbing are wrong, but we must differentiate between the two when administe

How To Avoid Scams: Protecting Yourself While Being Kind.

Be kind but don't fall for it. Be Cautious And Aware  Interesting stories have been told of people falling victim to online scams, but for a person to be scammed by a beggar on the wayside, it is rare. Well, it happened to a young girl and her story is worth listening to. “I was going to pray on the oval as usual as I do almost every 8pm. I walked past a narrow path by a slab that encircles the car park of the oval. A man was sitting on the slab. As I passed by, he called me, “Hello”. I ignored him because I was praying on my way from the library and wasn’t interested in talking to strangers at that time of the day. So, I got to the oval and had an amazing time with God. After that, I headed back to hall. Just before I left, I heard the Lord speak to me “I have not given you the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” I received it into my spirit and chose to act accordingly. Verify Thier Claims Initially, I planned to take another route to avoid the m

Confronting the Wickedness of Lynching

"Embracing Divine Light: "God's Unconditional Love, Even in the Darkest Hours of Injustice"   The love of many has grown cold. Yesterday, I was in a library on campus when, not too far from me, a man was being brutally beaten to death for stealing a phone. Around 30 men gathered around him and showed no mercy. I was unaware of this incident until I returned to my hostel. Upon hearing about it, I couldn't help but wonder how some people could reach such levels of wickedness. How could individuals willingly allow themselves to be used by the devil to the point where they no longer feel compassion for the person they are killing? The words of God in Matthew 24:12 are relevant: "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." Those who perpetrate acts of wickedness towards their fellow human beings often fail to empathize with them, as the Bible states in Matthew 7:12, "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do

Comfort in Challenging Times

A world of ups and downs  Throughout my 20 years on this earth, one thing remains certain: life is not all rosy. It is a journey filled with ups and downs. At times, I find myself feeling sad, discouraged, and alone, while other moments bring immense happiness, love, and a desire to inspire others. During challenging times, it's easy to give up, complain, or even hurt others in our pain and sometimes question our essence of living.   Emotional distress is a very critical situation many people find themselves in. Some people cut their friends off, and others abandon their purpose and calling in life. Discouragement is a tool used by the devil to afflict the lives of many people on this earth. He convinces us during those times that we are not good enough, we are not worthy, he reminds us of our mistakes, he accuses us, he dampens our spirit, and worst of all, he causes us to tear away from God.   We are not alone. My friends, the things we hear and feel during those dark