Who Am I Not To Shine

Being exactly who I am: Who am I not to shine?

This is the third installment of my series Being Exactly Who I Am, where I talk about the need for us to shine. In the first two installments, I spoke about getting to know your identity and how to block negative comments or opinions of people from bringing you down. 

  We mostly overlook the fact that, God desires that we unleash the talents, gifts and abilities He has bestowed upon us but He does. We are told in Isaiah 60:1 and 2 that, ‭‭
[1] “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. [2] See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. NIV‬‬


The Lord has placed so much in us and expects us to use it to His glory.  It could be the ability to sing, act, paint, drive, play an instrument, teach, solve problems, excel in sports, communicate effectively, or even show empathy. When we showcase the talents and abilities given to us by God, we glorify Him and radiate His light.

The video below shows a young boy playing the piano magnificently. I showed it to my Dad and his response was, "The only thing I'm getting from this video is, God has placed so much potential in each individual". God is amazing and kind. You may not have found your skill yet but keep on learning new things and you'll find out what you do easily without struggle that gives God glory, and inspires other people.

Someone might ask, "What if I don't have a talent or skill?" Everyone has a form of a gift or talent. Some may discover their talent easily whiles others require exploration to discover theirs. Not all talents are valued by society but that doesn't diminish their significance.

I'll end with a quote by Marianne Williamson.


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