
Showing posts from April, 2024


  I met a man who claims he has been set free from what he calls 'the lies' about the existence of God. He lived in a garden close to where I usually go and pray. He made some statements that proved that he doesn't believe in God anymore but knows that life originated from 'a god' as he called it. I was uncomfortable because he looked scary and that place was secluded from the main campus.  I had to pause with my prayer (which I later regretted) and listened to him for what felt like an eternity. I asked him whether he ever experienced God personally and he said, 'It is normal for people to be led by emotions because that is what they have come to believe'. I was sad because this gentleman claimed he was born and brought up in a church but now, he has found what he calls 'truth'.  He continued and said, it happens to everyone at a point in their lives when they would realize that all these stories were made up. At that point, I knew I had to leave. H


 ‭ Photo by Tom Fisk: link Malachi 3:16-18 CEV‬ [16] All those who truly respected the Lord and honored his name started discussing these things, and when God saw what was happening, he had their names written as a reminder in his book. [17] Then the Lord All-Powerful said: You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child. [18] Then everyone will once again see the difference between those who obey me by doing right and those who reject me by doing wrong. Contemporary English Version In today's reading,  the Lord talks about those who fear Him. God is passionate about them and promises to protect them when He, God, will come and bring justice to the earth. God talks about how the obedient will be differentiated from the disobedient. He calls those who do right, the obedient, and those who do wrong, those who reject Him.    Today, we are saved by Jesus Christ alone,