Poor in spirit.

 It is wonderful to think that a kind of nature deemed as poor is admired by God. We are also told that Jesus became poor so that we may become rich. This poverty spoken about in 2 Corinthians 8:9, signifies the humble nature of Christ as He took on human form and gave His life for us. The riches we obtain are the gift of salvation and God's grace.

 In Matthew 5:2, we are told in God's word that those who are poor in spirit shall inherit the kingdom of God. So the question now is, who are the poor in spirit? 

The poor in spirit are those who are humble in spirit and live their lives depending on God, and acknowledging God as their Source. These people are characterized by love, patience, peace, the fear of God, and love for God.  

Today we are encouraged to seek to be poor in spirit because this is the kind of nature admired by God.


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