Gold’en Fire

Today, we will explore how fire affects gold and wood, and how this is relevant to our daily lives. According to the Bible, our deeds will be tested at the end of our time here on Earth to assess their quality. The testing standard will be the ability of our work to withstand fire.

The Bible compares our work to six different materials: gold, silver, precious stones, wood, straw, and hay. Out of these six, only the works made of gold, silver, or precious stones can withstand fire and are considered valuable in the sight of God.
The Bible also mentions fire as a purifier of gold. God's word is like fire, purifying our lives on earth and burning away the chaff.

How can we produce works of value while on Earth?

The value of our work for the Lord greatly depends on our motive behind it. If we do things to gain praise from others, such as donating to the poor just to be seen, then according to the Word of God, our work has little to no value. In Matthew 6:1, Jesus said “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise, you have no reward from your Father in heaven.


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