Answering The Call -The Account

Reflecting on how we spend our days.

Many times in life, we are asked to account for the time we spent in a particular place and how we used that time. It may be at work, school, or even at church. But what about our total time spent in this life? Can we account for each day? Are we even aware of how we should spend our days?

This is the first part of my twin series, "The Call and Account," where I discuss the need to answer the call because we will have to give an account someday. The Lord has given each person a certain amount of time to spend on Earth. The number of years is not revealed to us, but when it is over, we will have to give an account.

Uncertainty about answering the call.

One day, while I was still uncertain about a thought that had come to my mind earlier, I was praying. It was about doing something in line with my calling, but I wasn't ready to "pick up the call." Then, as I prayed, a thought sank into my spirit: "What account will I give for the time I spend every day of my life?" I immediately answered the call and started walking in it.

In this post, I would like to discuss the need to answer the call. In the next post, I will talk about how to answer the call. God has a plan and a purpose for bringing each person into existence, but many are unaware of that exact reason. We must seek God and ask for the grace to begin walking in our calling.

Emphasizing the importance of starting regardless of timing.

Some people start walking in line with their calling very late in life, while others start early. Regardless of when it happens, God has a plan for each individual, so there is no need for comparison. What is necessary now is to know your calling, pick up the call, and start living it because we don't know how much time is left.

God has placed immense abilities within us humans, and with His help, we can bring them to full fruition. God is the one who enables us to work in line with His plan for us and impact others according to His will. We just have to surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to work fully in us.

Emphasizing the need for a daily relationship with God.

Whether we are interested in fulfilling this duty or not, we will definitely have to give an account for it. Therefore, let us begin to pray that the Lord directs us in line with our calling to bring glory to Him and impact others. We can receive these answers from God, but we cannot do it all by ourselves. That is why we must intentionally seek a good relationship with the Lord daily to live according to our calling. God tells us in JEREMIAH 33:3, 'Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know.'

If you have not completely surrendered to the Lord yet and desire a good daily relationship with Him, please pray this prayer: "Dear Lord, I thank you for your love and desire to have me as your own. I ask for forgiveness of my sins and pray that you come and live in my life and be my Lord and Personal Savior. Thank you for sending your Son to come and die to save me. I receive Him today and surrender myself totally to you. Please help me live according to the call you have placed upon my life. Help me to read my Bible and pray daily to have a good daily relationship with you. I love you, Lord. Thank you for everything. In Jesus' name, Amen."

My name is Glory, and I feel blessed to have the privilege to share the inspiration the Lord gives me. If you have any questions or objections, please feel free to comment below. You can also email me at Have a blessed day.


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