Why I Must Not Fear

As humans, we may often fall prey to fear. It is natural to experience fear during uncertain circumstances or when certain things make us feel fearful. Today, we are going to talk about fear and how to overcome it.

Fear has many causes, and I would like to highlight a few that I can personally relate to. Imagine studying a course for seven weeks, attending classes diligently, and still not understanding what is being taught. Then, you are informed that you have a quiz the following day. Certainly, fear might grip you. You would wonder how you are going to write the paper and whether you will pass or fail. Many have been in that situation, and at times the fear prevents them from revising with a sound mind eventually affecting their grades. I would call this fear the "Fear of Not Being Good Enough."

Additionally, imagine a competition in which you qualify to compete, but you are scared that you might lose, so you decide not to participate. Some people fear what the outcome of things will be. Some are even scared that they are not sure whether they will make it to heaven or not. That was me in 2020. That fear gripped me but God delivered me. Many people are scared about what they are uncertain about. This fear has caused many to miss out on wonderful opportunities they would have easily obtained if they were bold. I would call this fear the "Fear of the Unknown."

Others fall victim to fear when they find themselves in dangerous situations and feel hopeless. In such cases, it is normal for kidnapped people to be scared because fear has been instilled in them by their kidnappers.

Many causes of fear cannot be mentioned in this post, but there is one thing fear does. It kills our spirit and reduces us to nothingness, and it certainly does not come from God. The source of fear is the devil. He uses fear as a weapon to make us forget that God is greater than any circumstance we find ourselves in.

However, there is a means of escape. God Almighty can do exceedingly abundantly above what we can ask or think of (EPHESIANS 3:20). He is mighty above all, all-powerful because He created all things. The secret is faith. God wants us to trust that He can do exceedingly abundantly above what we can ask or think of. But if we don't believe in Him, how can He help us? He said He hasn't given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 TIMOTHY 1:7). Let us trust in God, who can deliver us from any situation that makes us afraid.

Some people know God as their Heavenly Father but do not live by that line of thought. His presence is available to all who draw near to Him. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you (JAMES 4:8). I invite you today to join this wonderful family of God. He is ever ready to have you for Himself. But this can only happen if we surrender our whole life unto the Lord. This means we ask Him to live in us and take control of every aspect of our lives. Let Jesus take the wheel of your life today.

My name is Glory, and I am blessed to have the privilege to share with you the inspiration the Lord gives me. If you have any questions or objections, feel free to comment below. You can also email me via gloryakoto148@gmail.com. Have a blessed day.


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